Getting started with Cormit

Step 1: Create an account

  • Click here to create a DSC account. 
  • Cormit is a subscription service. Your annual subscription includes using one or more nodes and the cloud services.

Step 2: Install hardware components

  • Install the sensors required for your application.
  • Mount your node(s) in the field and connect the sensors and control cables. 

Step 3: Go to dashboard for setup

  • Add users
  • Create alerts

Hardware requirements

Here are the hardware components required for different monitoring/control functions
Each node can simultaneously connect to all sensors

Nodes / sensors in the field

Photo — Cormit node mounted on pipe

Field nodes

Depth sensor

Water meter

Depth sensor cable (black, on right) passing through cap of well

Multi-sensor: Ambient temperature/humidity, LUX

Ports on field node for connecting sensors and control cables.


— advanced well/aquifer monitoring and control through the cloud —